Sabtu, 29 September 2012

"Your archness such a rainbow at night. Bursts of color in the black. Fatigue is increasingly being crushed."

"I love you with a dead pause. Now I enjoy each stop with prayer and without question marks."

"It was still daylight. But sudden dusk comes, and then he disappeared behind the eyes. Spawn dew to dry hearts echoed." 

"I wound up, not because of a fall. I do not dare sick flopped. Is sad that stood in the middle of melancholy?"

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Selalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi
Dibalik awan hitam
Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini,
Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda

Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember,
Di bulan desember

Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi
Meneteskan duka meretas luka s
ampai hujan memulihkan luka..  ♫♪♪

-Efek Rumah Kaca - Desember-

Ah lagu ini bikin keinget terus sama ody.. 

lagi berantem kemarin dia ngirim teks lagu ini, nyoba download eh bagus ternyata..  
ƪ) download

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Happy Ied Mubarak! Get so extremely happy be together around my big fams! ♥ #ahtelatbangetdah

Chiby chiby! 
Ki-ka: akoh, mbak pipin, hale hanif, kak iyas, raman, bunda akoh, kak ika. lots a big love xoxo

with my frikin sister (ˆз(˘˘)

Dear my lovely alien in Depok 

pfft Is that saturday right? *yawn* What an annoying saturday nite. 
the satnite as usual we've been through after the September 4th between the long distance relationship.
the satnite that spent with our bustle, busy activity. 
the nite you left me behind by your frikin habit like you used to. 
Oh well, I almost forget, sorry for the decision tonight. 
It was just a bad joke, kindly a lesson for you who make a war frequently.
Whatever I got mad in everything you've been done, I've never seriously in anger. 
I just felt a little fucked up. Get tired to not text you, trying to give damn on you.
But not works good, seriously.  Have no idea how to get your attention.
You are always so damn annoying with your innocence remarks.
Every and each day you always drown in your hectic world
What is needed, is as close as you're breathing? 
Did not even take a rest with air. Just so you know, I'm there.
It's too early to moan and get hurt, too early to lose you. 
I should be grateful every night that would take me right on the porch of your heart
I am fallin' in laugh with you!
In a timely manner my shoulder will be overwhelmed your tight hug. Without a gap.
my fingers would creep in between hands. Without need to wait for a drizzle.

A lot of love for you. See you very soon here!

- In saturday evening, my lovely pink room, 18.00 PM.-
Love is...
When you would rather be with that person more than anyone else
Even after a year they still give you butterfly
They way they touch you still give you cold chills
Just setting there holding hands makes it all worth it
Having so many inside jokes and remembering everyone of them
Busting out laughing for not reason while your kissing 
Thumb wrestling and playing games

That's what love is..
Being stupid together having fun and not worrying about what other people think just having the time of your life at that moment and never wanting it to end! 0409

Jumat, 21 September 2012

"Dua hal yang sangat sulit aku bedakan ialah antara kamu yang pura-pura tidak peduli atau benar-benar tak peduli saat aku pura-pura mengabaikanmu."

Jumat, 14 September 2012

these days are gonna be those days
which I'll look back with a happy smile
and a twinkle in my eyes
and life I'll never be the same
a different life than the one we've had
from our simple, fun, fairytales

it's strange, it's a new, new world
it's loud, it's a hectic world
and I miss my home, I miss myself
and I miss you
and yet, I finally found that love
inside my soul
and I jump in joy and I sing my heart away

your face is gonna be that face
that I'll look back with a loving smile
and a warm glow in my heart
and love I'll never be the same
a kind of love that I  hold so dear
yet I'm ready to let it go

will you remember how we are?
will you stay with me when I try
to be a better one for you?
in this new world..  Love you my ody 

-A New World-